Monday 18 January 2010

The question

How does encouraging emotional values affect the interpretation of real objects in museums?

For full details of the paper or delegates responses, or for further information on the topic of value in museums, please contact me on

A brief summary:

Firstly let's clarify what is meant here by 'value'. It is the outcomes that visitors believe to justify the investment of visiting. The type and number of these values which visitors may seek or attain is almost infinite. From previous research I have devised a value grouping system, specific to museums and the needs, wants and aims of their visitors. This system proposes 5 groupings:
Physical values
Social values
Interpersonal values
Intellectual values
Emotional values.

It is the last which is discussed here: emotional values are those which impact on visitors emotional state, attitudes and feelings.

The intention of this paper was not to answer the question but invite debate and discussion on the topic. To initiate this discussion a number of sub-questions were posed (see below)

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